Research & Development

Dr. Kien Dinh, the founder of NDT Concrete, is known for his extensive work on the development of GPR for imaging and evaluating the condition of concrete bridge decks. The methods he developed for processing and analyzing GPR data have been published in prestigious journals such as Construction and Building Materials, NDT&E International Journal, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Transportation Research Records, Automation in Construction, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. In the following, you can download most of his publications by clicking on the provided links.
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- Chen, R., Tran, K. T., Dinh, K., & Ferraro, C. C. (2022). Evaluation of Ultrasonic SH-Waveform Tomography for Determining Cover Thickness and Rebar Size in Concrete Structures. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 41(2), 1-16.
- Chen, R., Tran, K. T., La, H. M., Rawlinson, T., & Dinh, K. (2022). Detection of delamination and rebar debonding in concrete structures with ultrasonic SH-waveform tomography. Automation in Construction, 133, 104004.
- Dinh, K., Gucunski, N., Tran, K.. Novo, A., Nguyen, T. (2021). Full-resolution 3D imaging for concrete structures with dual-polarization GPR. Automation in Construction. (125), 103652.
- Dinh K., and Gucunski, N. (2021). Factors affecting the detectability of concrete delamination in GPR images. Construction and Building Materials. (274), 121837.
- Dinh, K., Gucunski, N., and Zayed, T. (2019). Automated visualization of concrete bridge deck condition from GPR data. NDT & E International, (102), 120-128.
- Kim, J., Gucunski, N., and Dinh, K. (2019). Deterioration and Predictive Condition Modeling of Concrete Bridge Decks Based on Data from Periodic NDE Surveys. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 25(2), p.04019010.
- Dinh, K., Gucunski, N., and Duong, T. (2018) Migration-based Automated Rebar Picking for Condition Assessment of Concrete Bridge Decks using Ground Penetrating Radar. NDT & E International, (98), 45-54.
- Dinh, K., Gucunski, N., and Duong, T. H. (2018). An algorithm for automatic localization and detection of rebars from GPR data of concrete bridge decks. Automation in Construction, (89), 292-298.
- Gucunski, N., Basily, B., Kim, J., Jin, G.Y., Duong, T., Dinh, K., Kee, S.H., Maher, A. (2017). RABIT: Implementation, Performance Validation and Integration with Other Robotic Platforms for Improved Management of Bridge Decks. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 3(1), 271-286.
- Dinh, K., Gucunski, N., Kim, J., and Duong, T (2017). Method for Attenuation Assessment of GPR Data from Concrete Bridge Decks. NDT & E International, (92), 50-58.
- Dinh, K., Gucunski, N., Kim, J., & Duong, T. H. (2016). Understanding depth-amplitude effects in assessment of GPR data from concrete bridge decks. NDT & E International, (83), 48-58.
- Kim, J., Gucunski, N., Duong, T., and Dinh, K. (2016). Three-Dimensional Visualization and Presentation of Bridge Deck Condition Based on Multiple NDE Data. Journal of Infrastructure Systems 23(3), B4016012.
- Azari, H., Gucunski, N., Kim, J., & Dinh, K. (2016). Performance of Concrete Bridge Decks of Similar Construction and Environment, but Different Traffic Loads. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2550), 22-30.
- Dinh, K., & Zayed, T. (2015). GPR-Based Fuzzy Model for Bridge Deck Corrosiveness Index. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 30(4) 04015069.
- Dinh, K., Zayed, T., Moufti, S., Shami, A., Jabri, A., Abouhamad, M., & Dawood, T. (2015). Clustering-Based Threshold Model for Condition Assessment of Concrete Bridge Decks with Ground-Penetrating Radar. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2522), 81-89.
- Dinh, K., Zayed, T., Romero, F., & Tarussov, A. (2014). Method for Analyzing Time-Series GPR Data of Concrete Bridge Decks. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 20(6), 04014086.