GPR Concrete Scanning Services Miami Florida
NDT Concrete provides the best concrete scanning and imaging services in Miami Florida thanks to the use of advanced analysis and state-of-the-art GPR equipment. In the following, we will explain what concrete scanning is and how we can use it to solve your problems.
1. What is concrete scanning?

2. How a concrete scanning device works?
In general, a concrete scanning device operates by sending and receiving some kind of signals. Specifically, for GPR it is electromagnetic wave while for MIRA it is ultrasonic shear wave. In terms of configuration, each device contains either one or multiple pairs of transmitting and receiving antennas or transducers. Since each of such pair creates a separate waveform, the number of pairs will correspond to the number of data channels. As such, the more transducers a device has, the more information it can provide.
As to the operation, each transmitting antenna or transducer emits a short pulse of energy at each test location. This pulse then propagates in concrete and will be reflected back when it encounters a different medium. Accordingly, each receiving antenna will record the pulses coming back to its location. Those pulses form a so-called A-scan for each receiving antenna at each survey location. Therefore, when we move the device along a scan line, we will obtain a raw image as depicted in Fig. 3. To clarify, such image is nothing but a series of A-scans being stacked together.
So now you have an idea how we obtain the signals. However, what you do not know yet is how we interpret the data. Regarding this, we are proud of the following. While most concrete scanning service providers in Orlando depend on the software that they bought from GPR manufacturer, we developed our own procedures, which are the most advanced in the field. As a proof for that statement, our methods have been published in many prestigious scientific journals. More importantly, they have been validated in renowned research projects funded by FHWA or Transports Québec. Specifically, an example output of our program is shown in Fig. 4.

3. What can concrete scanning offer?
If you live in Miami Florida and deal with concrete everyday, you probably already know what concrete scanning services can offer. Otherwise, let us share it with you. First, if you have to cut, core, or drill into concrete, we can help you to avoid important objects such as rebar, conduits, or post-tensions. Second, if you are making a plan for repairs or renovation project, we can provide you a plan view of existing rebar arrangement. Third, if you just built a concrete slab, we can check whether its thickness and the concrete cover conforms to the design requirement. Finally, if you are interested in evaluating an existing structure, we can absolutely do it as well. To be more specific, we can find problems such as voids, delaminations, steel bar debonding, and concrete corrosion (corrosive environment).